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Digital Ceramics

'Digital ceramics' describes the practice of making ceramic objects via the use of modern digital tools, such as computer-aided-design (CAD) and additive fabrication (3D printing).


'Building from the ancient ceramic practice of coiling - a practice that originated ~4000 years ago - digital ceramics empowers the practitioner with a unique combination of precision, repeatability, and mass-customization.





made x binary

It all started with a robot. A robot named Sandy.

Sandy was a Fanuc s430-iW robot arm, originally manufactured in 2000, that had been re-purposed as the central part of a robotic work cell designed to automate the sanding (hence the name Sandy - get it?) of thick, flat sheets of acrylic that would ultimately find use as countertops and other solid-surface applications.


Fast-forward to 2017. A new process replaces the robotic sanding operation. Sandy is no longer needed and, being a fully depreciated asset with very little value on the secondary market, faces a destiny with the scrap yard.

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